Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Who Are You?

Galatians 3:26  So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith.  NIV

Who are you?  
Are you a teenager, trying to keep your faith in God, while the pressures of the world try to change you?
Are you a new mommy, exhausted from the demands of a crying baby, yet totally in love?
Are you a mom who is hanging by a thread while trying to understand why your teenager has suddenly lost her mind?
Are you a wife who spends most evenings alone, while her husband is living his own life?
Are you retired from the job you’ve had all of your adult life, and now you find yourself lost?
Are you a woman who has found her life upended when you find yourself going through a divorce?
Are you a single mom who is struggling to make ends meet so her children have what they need?
Are you a daughter who is now the caregiver for her aging parents?
Are you the empty nest mom who tries to figure out her new role in a home without children?

God, I could go on and on with these questions.  Every one of us are walking through a valley, trying to figure out who we are in this “now” season of our lives.  I ask You to remind us of this:  WHERE we are in our lives is not WHO we are in our lives.  Help us to remember that we are Your children.  You will carry us through this season, just like You always have.  It won’t always be like this.  Thank You for this promise.

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