Sunday, January 17, 2016

Wonderfully Made

Psalms 139:14  I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. ESV

January.  Resolutions.  Business plans.  My off season.  My strongest season of doubt because I set such high expectations for myself, that I end up failing. I relate my feelings of disappointment to my self worth.  My hurt with myself spills over to my personal life.  I let some small bump in the road turn into a mountain.  I end up lashing out at my family or withdrawing completely because I feel less than worthy.  Then I feel bad about that.  It is a cycle; a cycle that cannot be allowed to begin.

The Bible tells us that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.  We are wonderful!  Every day, we will face challenges.  Someone will push every button we have.  We will not meet a deadline.  We will feel overwhelmed because we take too much on ourselves, knowing that we are already at our max capacity.  I don’t know if you are the same way, but when I’m stress-overloaded, I tend to be pissy.  Then I have to rein myself in and do some apologizing.  It’s not everybody else’s fault that I had a day out of balance.

Dear Jesus, Thank you for reminding me that I am wonderfully made.  When my world is out of balance, please remind me to turn to You.  Remind me that I can’t do everything, and do them well.  I can, however, do Your works.  Remind my soul to slow down and listen to You.

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