Monday, January 11, 2016

Thank You, Jesus

1 Thessalonians 5:18  In everything give thanks; for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
I have spent the last 3 days in Atlanta at a conference for my work.  First off, praise Jesus I don’t have to live in Atlanta.  I think I would just die if I had to deal with the daily traffic.  But sometimes, you have to see what you don’t have to be able to see what you do have.  We don’t have 10 lanes of traffic.  We have 2 lane roads.  Thank you, Jesus.
I have been in workshops with hundreds of people all day.  I don’t have gazillion dollar cameras.  I don’t make $600 for a newborn session.  I don’t have a studio with the latest and greatest of equipment.  But, I have what I need for where I am in my career.  I have great clients, most of the time...I make enough to have all I need.  Thank you, Jesus.
Most of the people at the conference stayed in the city and walked to the conference.  So convenient.  I had to drive in 20 miles everyday.  But, I have a friend who let me stay with her and save that $200 a night on a motel room.  Thank you, Jesus.
Sometimes, I am guilty of focusing on what I don’t have.  Instead of being excited to go home and try new things, I find myself thinking negative thoughts.  I don’t have that camera. I don’t have that lens.  I don’t have this or that.  I’m stuck.  Things will never get better for my business.  Instead of being inspired, I find myself feeling…..I don’t know..Jealous?  Envious? Depressed?  Human?  Yeah, that.  Just how wrong is that?  Instead of being grateful, I’m being a brat.  I’m kind of telling God that what He has so graciously provided me with, just isn’t enough.
Hey Jesus, it’s me again.  I sure am sorry that I take so much for granted.  You have given me the opportunity to live a dream.  I’m sorry that sometimes I am greedy and want more.  Help me to find the balance between being satisfied and being all that You designed me to be.  Thank you, Jesus!

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