Saturday, January 2, 2016

Fear ~

Isaiah 41:10  Fear not, for I am with you:  be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

In 2010, my dad, who was 79 at the time, started having some reflux problems.  After a series of doctor’s appointments, it was decided that he needed a minor surgery to remove his gall bladder and to fix a hernia.  Easy.  Routine.  So they said.  Things went horribly wrong.  His liver was cut, his stomach stitched to his lung, and he was highly overmedicated.  He ended up having a feeding tube put in and and spending many days in the hospital.  He didn’t get well.  We prayed and prayed and prayed some more.  We learned the meaning of fear.  My sister, a former RN with Hospice, kept my daddy alive.  My mom, a retired nurse herself, devoted her life to my dad, and yet he did not turn the page. Nobody could seem to help him.  He was dying.

We began to pray for mercy.  We prayed for help.  I remember posting on my Facebook page, asking for prayers.  We felt so hopeless and didn’t know where to turn except to God.  My friend, Becky, saw this post.  She messaged me saying her brother-in-law worked at The Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville and he may be able to help.  Within 48 hours, my dad was being seen by one of the most renowned gastric surgeons at the clinic.  God had heard our prayers and granted our family mercy.  Things didn’t turn around immediately, but we began to see major changes.  We were so excited and thankful that God had paved the way for Daddy to see this surgeon.  We had hope.

Corrective surgery was scheduled for the mistakes to be corrected.  After the first go round, I was so filled with fear that I couldn’t sleep, eat, or hardly function.  When the doctor came into the waiting room to get us and called us into a private room, I felt the most horrific fear of my life.  I cried out for Jesus.  I just knew it hadn’t gone well.  But I was wrong.  My dad was granted an extension here on this earth.  He turned 85 in October .  I know he has more days behind him than he has ahead of him, but I thank God every night for those days.

So many times we take God for granted.  We take everything for granted as long as things are good.  How quick we are to cry out to God when things go wrong.  Aren’t we thankful that He never leaves us or forsakes us, that when we turn to him in fear, we know He is there, holding us in righteous right hand?  I sure am.

Dear Jesus, thank You for loving me even when I take You for granted. Help me remember to come to You with thanks and honor, and not just when I need You. Thank You for Your unconditional love.

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