Friday, January 8, 2016

Loneliness in Marriage

1 Peter 3:7  In a similar way, you husbands must live with your wives in an understanding manner, as with a most delicate partner. Honor them as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, so that nothing may interfere with your prayers.  ISV

Today I spent most of the morning talking to and praying with a friend. She is struggling in this “now” season of her life.   So many emotions came out as we talked and cried.  Feeling neglected by her husband, she is struggling with her self worth.  Nobody should have to feel lonely in a marriage.  Nobody.  

As I sit here tonight, writing a blog post, I’m convicted of spending too much time on social media.  Even now, my husband is sitting beside me with a tablet in his hand.  When did we get to this point in our lives? The difference in my marriage and my friend’s marriage is that Matt and I value our time together.  We make time to be together.  He gives me the attention that I want and need, and I give him the same.  However, I think sometimes we put devices ahead of spouses.  Why is it so important to maintain relationships with people we don’t even know or maybe we have met them briefly, while we let the relationship with the person sitting right beside us wither up and die?

Marriage is so exciting when it begins.  We can’t wait for our husband’s to get home.  We do special things for them.  We dote on them.  But, if we aren’t careful, we let the new wear off and we begin to take them for granted.  Once children come along, we naturally pay more attention to the babies, because that’s what Mama’s do.  Add to the mix having to compete with Monday Night Football, hunting season, and Facebook, and before we know it our marriage is moved to the back burner.

Dear Jesus, tonight I ask you to show Yourself mightily in my friend’s marriage, but more importantly, show her how worthy she is to You. Help her husband turn to her instead of a device when he wants to talk.  Thank You for reminding me to be dedicated to my marriage.  Thank You for reminding me that my husband, the person sitting next to me, deserves my attention and my love.  Also, thank You that for giving me a husband who loves me and who loves You.  

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