Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The China Cup

1 Corinthians 13:4  Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant. ESV
It's funny how God puts people in your life at just the right time. I'm in Atlanta this week at a photography conference. I went to a little meet and greet last evening. I met several ladies there. One in particular seemed to talk more to me. She said that her daughter isn't speaking to her right now. As we talked, I was reminded of times I have totally failed as a parent. I remembered times when my children were miffed with me. It was usually about control. Mine. 
It seems this mom (who I was talking to) and her daughter had had a misunderstanding. Then her daughter had gotten mad with her. She said her first clue was when her daughter was drinking coffee out of fine china but served her out of an everyday mug. 
Wow. I was being pretty judgmental, thinking, now that's a pretty stupid thing to get mad about. Then I realized, this isn't about a coffee cup. This lady needs a friend. We ended up sitting on the staircase talking for a long time. I told her that one of the biggest lessons I've learned while trying to find my balance is that you have to look at what's right instead of what you perceive as wrong. In other words, would she rather have coffee with her daughter out of a everyday mug or would she rather have hurt feelings about the China cup?

So many times, we focus on the silliest things. In the "now", they look important, but when we stop to think, our hurt feelings are over something that doesn't even matter at all. I know I am so guilty of this. 
Tonight, Jesus, I thank you that you reminded me to look at what's right in my life. Thank you for letting me have a good relationship with my children. Thank you for giving me words to say to her. You are always teaching us and using us. Thank you for letting me be where you wanted me to be to listen. I pray that you will heal their relationship, God. Mama's need their daughters.

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